
Reading Tiered Fidelity Inventory (R-TFI)

What is this resource?
This tool from Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MiBLSi) can be used to assess the implementation of a school-wide reading model. To learn more visit: https://miblsi.org/evaluation/fidelity-assessments/reading-tiered-fidelity-inventory-r-tfi

Why is it valuable?
Once schools have selected a school-wide reading model, it is important they be able to monitor its levels of implementation. Both tools provide information about purpose, who should participate, the process, scoring and data analysis.

Authors: Kim St. Martin, Ph.D., Melissa Nantais, Ph.D., Anna Harms, Ph.D., Ed Huth, Ed.S. (Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative)

Ideal Audience: Administrators, School Faculty and Staff