Equity-based MTSS Framework
SWIFT’s framework for Equity-based Multi-Tiered System of Support provides a set of practices and processes schools can use to meet the academic, behavioral, social and emotional needs of all students.

Academic Instruction utilizes schoolwide approaches to promote student learning and high achievement for all students. Schools use multi-tiered instructional strategies, differentiation, Universal Design for Learning, and flexible grouping to support instruction for all students, including those with the most extensive support needs. Academic supports are integrated within one multi-tiered system of support.
Inclusive Behavior Instruction
Behavior Instruction is a proactive approach to teaching behavioral skills. Schoolwide interventions identify instructional priorities using multiple sources of data, prevent behavior challenges, and provide behavior supports. Behavior supports are integrated within one multi-tiered system of support.
Social-Emotional Instruction
Social-emotional instruction is a proactive approach to teaching social-emotional skills. Schools intentionally build environments where students can manage social relationships and their own emotions in culturally responsive ways that promote their own and others’ well-being. Social-emotional instruction is integrated within one Multi-tiered System of Support.
Strong and Engaged Site Leadership
Strong and Engaged Site Leadership is the foundation for implementing, transforming, and sustaining systems throughout a school. The principal and leadership team empower educators and families to contribute to core school decisions to improve teaching and learning.
Strong Educator Support System
A Strong Educator Support System provides the structures that enable educators to constantly improve their practices. Instructional supports may include professional learning, instructional coaching, and supportive, useful evaluation with a focus on building knowledge and skills.
Fully Integrated Organizational Structure
A Fully Integrated Organizational Structure means full participation in the general education curriculum for all students. All students participate in the general education curriculum instruction and activities of their grade level peers, and schools embrace ways to redefine roles of paraeducators and teaching assistants to support all students.
Strong and Positive School Culture
A Strong and Positive School Culture creates an atmosphere in which everyone feels their rightful presence in the school. Particularly, students have access to extracurricular learning activities with appropriate support, and school personnel share responsibilities to educate all students.
Trusting Family Partnerships
Trusting Family Partnerships contribute to positive student outcomes when family members and school staff have respectful, mutually beneficial relationships with shared responsibility for student learning; when family members have options for meaningful involvement in their children’s education and in the life of the school; and the school responds to family interests and involvement in a culturally responsive manner.
Trusting Community Partnerships
Trusting Community Partnerships contribute to positive student outcomes when schools work collaboratively with community members, agencies, organizations, businesses, and industry around common goals. Community representatives directly participate in school leadership, and schools enhance community resources.
Strong LEA/School Relationship
A local educational agency (LEA) partners with the school to promote a shared vision and foster inclusive teaching and learning. Strong LEA / School Relationships use policy to formally organize and integrate initiatives and programs, address and remove barriers to success, and address ways to more effectively use resources.
LEA Policy Framework
The LEA Policy Framework means that the district or local educational agency (LEA) has a formal structure to continually evaluate and rewrite policy in support of quality practices. The LEA uses information from schools to support and ensure staff receive training on relevant research and/or research-based practices.
“We can, whenever we choose, successfully teach all students whose schooling is of interest to us. We already know more than we need to do that. Whether or not we do it must finally depend on how we feel about the fact that we haven’t so far.”
-Ron Edmonds
Edmonds, R. (1979). Effective schools for the urban poor. Educational Leadership, 37(1), 15-24.
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Equity-based MTSS?

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