
SWIFT Services

We will meet you where you are!


  • We offer products and services across the nation that foster rightful presence and true belonging for students once on the margins of their schools.
  • At SWIFT, we take a systems-level approach to transforming education by entering into formal partnerships with state education agencies, service centers, districts, and schools to create the types of educational ecosystems that help students thrive.
  • We increase your capacity to implement or advance Equity-based Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS), which improves academic, behavioral, social, and emotional student outcomes.



Any school can be a SWIFT school


Professional Learning Series

Keep Your Team Up-to-date

  • Learning series and team coaching targeted to your needs
  • Content experts to speak at your events
  • Professional Learning Institute planning and management
  • Executive coaching and consultation


Fidelity of implementation

Understand your schools’ current realities, monitor progress & avoid drift.

  • SWIFT Fidelity of Implementation Tools for Early Childhood, Elementary, and  Secondary settings, for an independent assessment of MTSS 
  • SWIFT Fidelity Integrity Assessment for Early Childhood, Elementary, and  Secondary settings, for self-assessment of MTSS 
  • Support for both assessments that train and certify your assessor teams, administration packets, and instructional materials
Intensive Technical Assistance

Partnership for whole-system transformation 

  • Differentiated, strengths-based technical assistance for states, districts, and schools 
  • Coaching and facilitation of implementation science practices 
Capacity Assessments

Identify your strengths and priorities

  • Professional facilitation of State and District Capacity Assessments to  understand needs and set goals 
  • Leadership for School-District-State Data Snapshots for data-based  identification of priorities for action
  • Clear, concise, documented analyses for planning, accountability reporting,  and applying for funding or resources 
Equity & Disproportionality

Advance your initiatives 

  • Develop and prepare funding proposals 
  • Create custom field guides, webinars, online training modules, and materials
  • Provide study group and/or task force leadership, research, and analysis
  • Jointly determine content and support structures best suited to your unique needs

Get more information.

Contact us to begin the discussion about how to bring equity and justice into your education system.