
Evaluating the Effectiveness of a District EL Program

What is this resource?
Part of a 10-chapter series, the 18 pages of chapter 9 encourages Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to evaluate the policies, programs, procedures, practices, resources, staffing, and student outcomes related to English Learner (EL) programs. Title III of the Elementary and Secondary School Act requires those LEAs received Part A funds carry out an evaluation every two years and submit those results to their State Education Agency (SEA). Data elements are listed as well as reflective questions that help LEAs and SEAs determine their status around evaluation. The entire series can be found at: http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/oela/english-learner-toolkit/index.html

Why is it valuable?
Longitudinal data can help State Education Agencies (SEAs) and Local Education Agencies (LEAs) monitor the success of their English Learner programs. These evaluations should look at both English proficiency and parity of participation. This chapter looks closely at these issues and offers tools and resources to guide SEAs and LEAs toward the design of evaluation systems that can lead to these outcomes.

Authors: U. S. Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition

Ideal Audience: Local Educational Agency, Administrators