What is this resource?
“These student meeting protocols are intended to support data team meetings for students receiving intensive intervention. The following documents are split into three sections: pre-meeting, initial meeting, and progress monitoring meetings. The pre-meeting documents are intended to support teams as they develop a holistic sense of the student including relevant background information, current performance, current supports, prior intervention efforts, and other relevant data. The initial meeting documents are intended to support teams as they analyze data and design intensive intervention plans for students. The progress monitoring meeting documents are intended to support teams as they review student progress monitoring data after the initial intervention plan has been put in place and determine whether the student is making progress at an acceptable rate or adaptations to the intervention plan is necessary. These documents are intended as examples, and many have been posted in word format so that you can adapt them to meet the needs of your school’s team. Additional handouts are also available.” from National Center on Intensive Intervention at American Institutes for Research
Authors: National Center on Intensive Intervention at American Institutes for Research
Ideal Audience: Administrators, Family and Community Members, School Faculty and Staff