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Meaningful Access to Core Curricular, Extracurricular Programs

1 min read

What is this resource?
Part of a 10-chapter series, the 23 pages of chapter 4 focus on the role of the State Education Agency (SEA) and the Local Education Agency (LEA) to provide programs that enable English Learners (ELs) to successfully attain English proficiency and participate in other curricular areas. A checklist helps educators inquire whether ELs have equal access to curricular and extracurricular activities. The chapter also discusses access to advanced and gifted and talented programs. It then moves to tools and resources. The entire series can be found at: http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/oela/english-learner-toolkit/index.html

Why is it valuable?
National data show that English Learners do not have access to curriculum that will prepare them for college entrance requirements. Additionally, a very low percentage of ELs are in advanced placement or gifted and talented programs. Making these curricula and programs accessible begins with how and where these programs are offered. These are decisions made by the State Education Agency (SEA) and Local Education Agency (LEA). This document supports these agencies through reflective questions, tools, and resources.

Authors: U. S. Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition

Ideal Audience: Local Educational Agency, Administrators