Repurposing the Language of MTSS in Green Dot, California
SWIFT partnered with the Charter Management Organization Green Dot Public Schools California to apply the language and structure of MTSS at a systems level to proactively support schools.

Facts & Figures
Socioeconomically disadvantaged students
Latinx students
of Green Dot class of 2023 accepted into college
Project Description
Green Dot Public Schools California educates approximately 10,000 students at 18 middle and high schools in Los Angeles neighborhoods that have historically been underserved.
Continuing a partnership first started under an initiative through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, SWIFT partnered with Green Dot California to further develop their MTSS capacity through learning sessions, job-embedded coaching, and organizational assessments.
One piece of this partnership was to repurpose the language of MTSS to better understand and communicate resource allocation at the district level. Leaders at Green Dot and SWIFT staff worked together to understand the local context and co-created a variation of the Tiered Instruction Matrix, a tool developed by SWIFT for use at the school level, to a Tiered Support Matrix that explicitly focused on proactive resource allocation and data use at the CMO-school level.
Use of the Tiered Support Matrix is ongoing at Green Dot and in its early stages, but they are already seeing the benefits of articulating levels of support at the CMO-school level. By pairing the support matrix with Green Dot’s strategic plan, leaders in the Home Office are able to proactively use data to identify where and when resources may need to be allocated to schools to make progress on key strategic priorities. Another advantage has been to have a clear pathway through which they can articulate to schools which supports are available and how those might change over time.