
How a SWIFT-FIT assessment benefits your school

Hi, I am Dan Pollitt and I work at SWIFT Education Center. I’d like to introduce you to a tool that can help your school and district leadership teams make well informed decisions about how they implement equity-based Multi-Tiered System of Support, or MTSS, for...

Wondering about MTSS?

Recently we were asked some thought provoking questions about MTSS.  We wanted to respond as well as invite you to join the conversation here on SWIFT Talk. Here are the questions and our responses. 1.  Some schools claim to use MTSS for planning, but it doesn’t seem...

Harnessing Rural Strengths for Schoolwide Transformation

This self-proclaimed City Girl has always preferred to live and work in areas filled with people.  My first teaching job was on a team in an elementary school that had eight sections of first grade, each with 26 or more students. Yes, we were big.  And I liked it that...


When I first learned about SWIFT and began reading about the organization’s framework and philosophy, I was immediately struck by the word “ALL” being highlighted in caps in their literature. “SWIFT provides academic and behavioral support to promote the learning and...