
MTSS in Alternative, Community, and Correctional Education

  During a recent professional development event at Orange County (CA) Alternative, Community, and Correctional Education Schools and Services (ACCESS), teams created definitions and analogies for Multitiered System of Support (MTSS) that fit their unique context and...

Five Reasons to Continue Literacy Instruction at Any Age

My family loves to read.  My husband reads classic novels and mysteries for relaxation.  Our son reads history and sci-fi fantasy with a passion.  I like to read history as well as non-fiction about culture and life around the globe.  I simply cannot imagine a life...
Rainbow Connection

Rainbow Connection

Educators often wonder how well they can provide appropriate educational services to all students. Can it be that sometimes students’ needs are too intensive and it becomes an undue burden for schools to provide reasonable accommodations? There’s always a lot of fear....

The Impact of SWIFT Technical Assistance

  Recently, we had an opportunity to look back at the outcomes of this technical assistance, publishing our findings in a special issue of the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disability (AAIDD) journal ‘Inclusion.’  To complete this special...