
10 Point Paradigm

SWIFT’s 10 Point Paradigm outlines the facets of equity that need to be considered in order to shift our mindset and create restorative educational ecosystems.

Rightful Presence

Rightful Presence lives in schools when individuals have a sense of belonging and have the power to contribute to educational decisions.

Rightful Presence icon

Decolonized Perspective

Decolonized Perspective lives in schools where the Eurocentric perspective is decentered and multiple cultural viewpoints guide all aspects of the school.

Decolonized Perspective Icon

Collective Identity

Collective Identity lives in schools where the policies, practices, and culture highlight the unique identities and experiences of every community and work to strengthen the bonds between them.

Collective Identity Icon

Tell the Whole Story

Telling the Whole Story happens when schools teach a living history that includes the contributions and grievances of historically marginalized people and is told from many points of view, not just the dominant ones.

Tell the Whole Story Icon

Essential Human Need

Essential Human Need lives in school communities that work to meet the fundamental needs of the human body, such as food, shelter, and clothing, so that students are ready to learn.

Essential Human Need Icon

Safety, Security, Freedom

Safety, Security, Freedom lives in school communities that work to provide an emotionally compassionate and personally validating environment for learning.

Safety, Security, Freedom Icon

Kincentric Systems of Engagement

Kincentric Systems of Engagement live within educational systems that feel more familial than institutional and are grounded in healthy relationships, acceptance, forgiveness, and unconditional support.

Kincentric Systems of Engagement Icon

Educator/Student Connectedness

Educator/Student Connectedness lives in schools when meaningful relationships between students and educators occur regularly and inspire belonging and joy throughout the school day.

Educator/Student Connectedness Icon

Diverse Knowledge Systems

Diverse Knowledge Systems live within schools that use multiple sources of information and seek different perspectives when using data to make decisions.

Diverse Knowledge Systems

Restorative Educational Ecosystem

Restorative Educational Ecosystems seek to heal current and historical wrongs in order to build schools and societies that center our shared humanity.

Restorative Educational Ecosystem icon
“I celebrate teaching that enables transgressions – a movement against and beyond boundaries.
It is that movement which makes education the practice of freedom.”

bell hooks- Teaching to transgress. Routledge

Student and male teacher reading from books

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